Tag Archives: Ricardo Miranda Miret

OVP_spanish property scam_Sunday LifeMore than 1,000 buyers from the UK and Ireland lost £45m after Birmingham- based Ocean View Properties (OVP) was formally dissolved in 2009. OVP was the exclusive agent for the Manilva Gardens luxury holiday complex in Estepona on the Costa del Sol. It was behind successful overseas property enterprises, but ran into difficulties as UK agent for Spanish developer Ricardo Miranda Miret. A claim for fraud and misappropriation of funds was lodged in February 2011 in a bid to recover deposits paid by investors to OVP. It has more than 50 Northern Irish investors among 120 claimants for £9.2m. A second class action complaint for £2m, brought by 30 British and Irish investors, was filed in 2013. Many Northern Irish investors remortgaged homes to finance their dream luxury buys. One local investor was Armagh ex-teacher Ollie Reel, who now works for a firm helping investors to recover their lost money. Mr Reel and his three brothers sank thousands of pounds into the deal, but have managed to get some of it back.

“It started in 2006 and through a few good friends, mainly in GAA circles, they invested in Spain and I was persuaded at that time it could be good for me as well and I couldn’t lose out,” he told an Irish radio station. “The economy was booming and everyone was going mad buying property, like everyone else I got caught up in the euphoria of it all. “If only I had known what was ahead of me, I would never have considered it. “The investment I was involved in was in Estepona in Spain and there was about 100 of us on both sides of the border, I suppose we lost a combined €12m.

“These apartments were all fully furnished, they were very good at advertising it, they flew groups of us down to Spain and we stood on the actual site and we were all taken in by owning a new property in Spain.” He added: “The company went bust and it was down to the fact that the developer who was building our property hadn’t even got a building licence.” Mr Reel explained that after going through Spanish lawyers, he eventually was able to recover around half of his £145,000 deposit through a group called the Claims Bureau. He now works as a consultant for the group. The Madrid High Court probe has been beset by delays and setbacks. An investigating judge was replaced after he was found to have family ties to Mr Miranda Miret. In the latest twist, the developer is accused of submitting forged documents in the criminal action.

A spokesman for Marbella- based legal firm Lawbird said: “By using these documents, supposedly signed by the secretary of Ocean View in Spain, the developer tried to prove that they had formally notified the estate agent that it was not possible to continue selling apartments as no licences were in place and they didn’t own the land where the development was to be built.” Final witness statements for OVP are to be given on Wednesday. Following these submissions, the judge will decide if the case should proceed to trial. Mr Miranda Miret and others accused have all strongly denied any wrongdoing. Former Aston Villa captain Gareth Barry and BBC’s Homes Under The Hammer star Martin Roberts, who starred on I’m a Celebrity, were among those duped into marketing luxury off-plan apartments for the firm, though neither benefited in any way, or had any knowledge of the alleged irregularities.

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April 29th, 2013

Justice Mr. Jose Emilio Coronado Ruz, in charge of investigating the criminal claim against Ricardo Miranda Miret and Ocean View Properties former directors -all indicted for missapropriation and swindle- has been himself removed from the post following a recusal petition filed by firm Lawbird.

The reason why Justice Coronado Ruz was forced to leave the investigation by the Madrid Appeal Court was the implication of his brother, Ignacio Miranda Miret, in the sale of the land on which Punta Perla was to be built (via sale of shares of the company Paraiso Tropical).

Lawbird exposed the Judge after noticing that at least €100,000 worth of deposits paid by bona fide customers ended up in the pockets of the brother. The payment had seemingly gone unnoticed to the Judge as was, shockingly, the younger brother’s involvement in a high-profile case that could have not gone past him without knowledge of some degree of participation, a claim that The Honourable responded to by stating that for “reasons that he will not disclose, he has not been in touch with his brother since 1998 and hence, could have not known”.

What are the odds of a case lodged with the Madrid Courts of First Instance– 101 in operation- ending up in one whose boss happens to be the brother of a party implicated in receiving money? Well, 1 in 101. But then, what are the odds of that Judge not knowing that his brother could have been implicated in such case, and furthermore, the odds of both brothers not talking to each other for the best part of 15 years?